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Click here for BioNEST UDSC website

The BioNEST-UDSC has been established to support entrepreneurship and the development of innovative technologies in the area of Life Sciences. 

The proposed Bio- incubator is planned with the objective of supporting incubation for juvenile technologies developed by entrepreneur scientists.  Support will be provided in terms of laboratory space, instrumentation and other infrastructure, and mentorship. The provided support aims to ultimately promote the translation  of fundamental work to viable technologies and to facilitate the maturation and commercialization of technologies developed at the Bio-incubator. The Bio-incubator will also impart training to students / entrepreneurs in various technical areas through the execution of workshops,  and will provide exposure to trainees and incubatees to allied areas like business development and IPR management through the conduction of seminars by outside field experts.  The Bio-incubator will serve as a platform through which industry and academia can get connected, thus facilitating collaborations between academia and industry for translational research.  It will provide networking opportunities to incubatees and academicians.

Incubatee support will be offered through the following:

  through basic laboratory infrastructure and instrumentation

  •    through sophisticated instrumentation
  •    through mentorship
  •    through training workshops
  •    through creating networking opportunities for incubatees with industry sector
  •    through guidance on available funding avenues from public and private sectors
  •    through exposure to allied areas like IP management, business planning, entrepreneurship development, technology commercialization, through the conduction of workshops and seminars



Prof. Swati Saha
Principal Investigator
University of Delhi South Campus
Benito Juarez Road, Delhi-110021
Ph: 011-24157380, 91-9911156268


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