Overview of research focus of the Department
Faculty members who are eligible to guide Ph.D. students as supervisors are:
Prof. Rajeev Kaul
Prof. Yogender Pal Khasa
Prof. Swati Saha
Dr. Ram Karan
Dr. Vijay K. Verma
Dr. Pau Biak Sang
The Department has focus on two broad areas of research: 'Industrial, Food and Environmental Microbiology' and 'Molecular Biology of Microbial Pathogens'.
Industrial, Food and Environmental Microbiology
In the broad area of Industrial, food and environmental microbiology, the specific research interests of the department are in the areas of production of industrially important microbial enzymes, biofuels, bioactive compounds and carbohydrates, metagenomics, structure-function analysis and molecular modification of enzymes, lignocellulose biodegradation, ethanol production from lignocellulose, molecular biology of lignin degradation, carbon sequestration using heterotrophs, bioremediation, gene expression and bioprocess engineering.
A snapshot of ongoing industrially important research in Department: Dr. Rani Gupta's group has identified a novel keratinase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Dr. Y.P. Khasa's group is focused on devising ways for large scale production of various proteins including thrombolytics of therapeutic importance for clinical applications
Molecular Biology of Microbial Pathogens
In the broad area of molecular biology and pathogenesis of microbial infections, the specific areas of research interest include molecular epidemiology of emerging water-borne pathogens like Yersinia enterocolitica and E.coli, and mechanism of antibiotic resistance with special focus on β-lactamase; understanding host pathogen interactions; microbial genomics and proteomics. The research interests also include investigations into the DNA biology of the protozoan parasite Leishmania donovani (the causative agent of kala-azar); and using Epstein barr virus, KSHV and Hepatitis C virus as models to investigate viral causes of cancers.
A snapshot of microbial pathogenesis research being carried out in Department: Dr. Swati Saha's group has identified cell cycle-specific activation of promoters in Leishmania donovani, uncovering new facets of gene regulation in these microbes. Dr.Rajeev Kaul's group has identified role of cellular metastasis suppressor Nm23-H1 in Hepatitis C virus mediated cancer metastasis