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Awards and Distinctions

Several faculty members have been recognized for their contributions to the field and have been felicitated through various awards and other distinctions.

Prof.Virdi receiving ICMR award (left) and DBT-BIRAC Ideathon award (right)


Dr. Y.P. Khasa receiving 'Young Scientist'award from AMI


 Prof. T. Satyanarayana receiving Malaviya Memorial award from BRSI


List of Awards and Distinctions received by Department's faculty members from 2012 onwards:

Prof. Rajeev Kaul

Indo-US Raman Research Fellowship Awarded by UGC, 2013

Indian Virology Society Fellow Award 2022


Prof. Y. P. Khasa

Young Scientist Award in “Molecular Microbiology” 2010 by Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI).


Prof Swati Saha

Fellow of the Indian Academy of Science (FNASc) 2021


Prof. R.C. Kuhad

Fellow, National Academy of Sciences, India (FNASc) 2016

Fellow, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (FNAAS), 2014

Fellow, Biotech Research Society of India (FBRS), 2014

AMI Platinum Jubilee Life Time Achievement Felicitation Award, 2014


Prof. J.S. Virdi

DBT-BIRAC Ideathon Award in the area of Antimicrobial Resistance diagnostics (2016)

BIRAC (DBT)-Nesta (UK) Discovery Award for developing a point of care test (POCT) for rapid detection of Antimicrobial Resistance (2016)

Invitrogen Science Hero Best Lab Mentor (University Level) Award(2016)


Prof. T Satyanarayana

President of the Association of Microbiologists of India, 2015-16.

President of the Mycological Society of India for the year 2014-2015.

Malaviya Memorial award by Biotech Research Society, 2014.

Fellow, Indian Academy of Microbiological Sciences (FAMSc), 2014

Fellow, Andhra Pradesh Academy of Sciences, 2014 

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