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UGS SAP Symposium 2017

Department of Microbiology organized  a symposium on Monday 23rd Jan, 2017 as part of Special Assistance Program (SAP) awarded to the Department by UGC. The thrust area of the seminar was ‘Microbial Pathogenesis


Dr.Rajeev Kaul (Deputy Coordinator, SAP) welcomed the speakers


Prof.J.S.Virdi (Coordinator, SAP) presented about activities undertaken by department under SAP program


Prof.P.Dhar from JNU Delhi delivered talk on ‘Synthetic Biology: Concepts, Challenges and Opportunities’


Prof.P.Dhar was felicitated by Prof.J.S.Virdi


Prof.U.Varshney from IISc Bangalore delivered talk on ‘Role of the pioneering round of initiation in ribosome maturation’


Prof.A.Basu from NBRC Manesar delivered talk on ‘Neural stem/progenitor cell response to Japanese encephalitis virus infection’


Prof.A.Basu was felicitated by Prof.Suman Kundu


Prof.S.Alavandi from CIBA Chennai delivered talk on ‘Virulence and pathogenesis of Vibrios and White Spot Syndrome Virus in shrimp aquaculture’


Prof.S.Alavandi was felicitated by Dr.Swati Saha


Department faculty members with speakers


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