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Work Presentation

The IdeaVarshni Pic

by Varshni Sharma (Ph.D. Scholar)

The ongoing research work in the Department of Microbiology varies from dealing with large scale industrial processes to examining molecular microbiology. We have labs that deal in Industrial Microbiology, Microbial Pathogenicity, DNA replication and Chromatin Biology, and Tumor Virology. When we have such diverse work going on under the same umbrella, discussions of our ongoing work on a common platform gives us a wider perspective of research. During one of the student-faculty interactive sessions, it was decided that the students present their work by rotation once a month before the whole department. This was in consideration of the fact that this will not only give the student an opportunity to present his/her research, but also encourage an open discussion on it. It has proven to be very beneficial to students as it gives the presenter different views of his/her research, and new ideas for experiments which he/she can carry out in a timely manner. During this, the students also learn about critically analyzing data, thinking out of the box and designing new experiments, troubleshooting each other’s experiments, using different techniques, and various work ethics like setting up different controls with experiments etc. The students also get to know about research being carried out in the different labs  the Department, broadening their knowledge base in Microbiology.    

Work Present

 The schedule for Work Presentations for year 2024 is here:

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